RpiLedBars --- LedBars version for raspberry pi contains : * a python test program (main.py) * a C program using : * ws2812 with dma/smi from Jeremy P Bentham - https://iosoft.blog/category/neopixel/ * artnet from Stephan Ruloff - https://github.com/rstephan/ArtnetnodeWifi biblio: * Art-Net * Protocol Spec : * https://art-net.org.uk/how-it-works/ * https://artisticlicence.com/WebSiteMaster/User%20Guides/art-net.pdf * ESP32 library from Stephan Ruloff - https://github.com/rstephan/ArtnetnodeWifi * ws28** rgb leds * ws2812 datasheet - https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/WS2812.pdf * ws2815 datasheet - https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/1134588/WORLDSEMI/WS2815B.html * ws2812 with dma/smi from Jeremy P Bentham : * ws2812 - https://iosoft.blog/2020/09/29/raspberry-pi-multi-channel-ws2812/ * dma - https://iosoft.blog/2020/05/25/raspberry-pi-dma-programming/ * smi - https://iosoft.blog/2020/07/16/raspberry-pi-smi/