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#if !defined(__RPI_ARTNET_OP_CODES_H__)
/* List of hex values and discriptions of Opcodes */
/* This is an ArtPoll packet, no other data is contained in this UDP packet */
#define OpPoll 0x2000
/* This is an ArtPollReply Packet. It contains device status information. */
#define OpPollReply 0x2100
/* Diagnostics and data logging packet. */
#define OpDiagData 0x2300
/* Used to send text based parameter commands. */
#define OpCommand 0x2400
/* This is an ArtDmx data packet. It contains zero start code DMX512 information for a single
* Universe. */
#define OpOutput 0x5000
/* This is an ArtDmx data packet. It contains zero start code DMX512 information for a single
* Universe. */
#define OpDmx 0x5000
/* This is an ArtNzs data packet. It contains non-zero start code (except RDM) DMX512 information
* for a single Universe. */
#define OpNzs 0x5100
/* This is an ArtAddress packet. It contains remote programming information for a Node. */
#define OpAddress 0x6000
/* This is an ArtInput packet. It contains enable disable data for DMX inputs. */
#define OpInput 0x7000
/* This is an ArtTodRequest packet. It is used to request a Table of Devices (ToD) for RDM
* discovery. */
#define OpTodRequest 0x8000
/* This is an ArtTodData packet. It is used to send a Table of Devices (ToD) for RDM discovery. */
#define OpTodData 0x8100
/* This is an ArtTodControl packet. It is used to send RDM discovery control messages. */
#define OpTodControl 0x8200
/* This is an ArtRdm packet. It is used to send all non discovery RDM messages. */
#define OpRdm 0x8300
/* This is an ArtRdmSub packet. It is used to send compressed, RDM Sub-Device data. */
#define OpRdmSub 0x8400
/* This is an ArtVideoSetup packet. It contains video screen setup information for nodes that
* implement the extended video features. */
#define OpVideoSetup 0xa010
/* This is an ArtVideoPalette packet. It contains colour palette setup information for nodes that
* implement the extended video features. */
#define OpVideoPalette 0xa020
/* This is an ArtVideoData packet. It contains display data for nodes that implement the extended
* video features. */
#define OpVideoData 0xa040
/* This is an ArtMacMaster packet. It is used to program the Nodes MAC address, Oem device type and
* ESTA manufacturer code. This is for factory initialisation of a Node. It is not to be used by
* applications. */
#define OpMacMaster 0xf000
/* This is an ArtMacSlave packet. It is returned by the node to acknowledge receipt of an
* ArtMacMaster packet. */
#define OpMacSlave 0xf100
/* This is an ArtFirmwareMaster packet. It is used to upload new firmware or firmware extensions to
* the Node. */
#define OpFirmwareMaster 0xf200
/* This is an ArtFirmwareReply packet. It is returned by the node to acknowledge receipt of an
* ArtFirmwareMaster packet or ArtFileTnMaster packet. */
#define OpFirmwareReply 0xf300
/* Uploads user file to node. */
#define OpFileTnMaster 0xf400
/* Downloads user file from node. */
#define OpFileFnMaster 0xf500
/* Node acknowledge for downloads. */
#define OpFileFnReply 0xf600
/* This is an ArtIpProg packet. It is used to reprogramme the IP, Mask and Port address of the Node.
#define OpIpProg 0xf800
/* This is an ArtIpProgReply packet. It is returned by the node to acknowledge receipt of an
* ArtIpProg packet. */
#define OpIpProgReply 0xf900
/* This is an ArtMedia packet. It is Unicast by a Media Server and acted upon by a Controller. */
#define OpMedia 0x9000
/* This is an ArtMediaPatch packet. It is Unicast by a Controller and acted upon by a Media Server.
#define OpMediaPatch 0x9100
/* This is an ArtMediaControl packet. It is Unicast by a Controller and acted upon by a Media
* Server. */
#define OpMediaControl 0x9200
/* This is an ArtMediaControlReply packet. It is Unicast by a Media Server and acted upon by a
* Controller. */
#define OpMediaContrlReply 0x9300
/* This is an ArtTimeCode packet. It is used to transport time code over the network. */
#define OpTimeCode 0x9700
/* Used to synchronise real time date and clock */
#define OpTimeSync 0x9800
/* Used to send trigger macros */
#define OpTrigger 0x9900
/* Requests a node's file list */
#define OpDirectory 0x9a00
/* Replies to OpDirectory with file list */
#define OpDirectoryReply 0x9b00
#endif // __RPI_ARTNET_OP_CODES_H__